Parla Inglese?

My thoughts and happenings while in Italy.

Saturday, May 06, 2006


So I know my last post was like just 3 days ago or something - but so much happens in just a few hours here.
The Evening of May 3rd

We travelled down the uneven cobblestone streets, almost unrecognizable from the sunlight hours now that the people no longer infested the sidewalks. With swollen feet and tired spirits we enjoyed each other's company.
Via Annibaldi - turn left here.
One slight swing of our leg and our view ahead changed drastically. The walled Via framed the glowing Coliseum in the distance as we strolled toward our destination.
After descending steps and dodging cars and scooters we witnessed the true Rome experience. The Coliseum - in all it's might - abandoned by the tourists.
We rested our feet on a curb staring up at the sky. Our last day in Rome. Despite the hurried days and numerous tours - I'll miss it, maybe I'll miss it even more than the home I left just a week ago. Funny how you adapt to something so quickly.
This one night, one last excursion made up for all the lines, the blisters and near broken toes. The silence, the slow pace and this connection to years - no centuries past, redeemed all that.
That's when I promised myself I'm coming back - not for the churches or the art - but for those nights when no ones around anymore, no one except the odd couple disappearing around a corner. For the warm nights when you can sit in the midst of good company and admire the heart of Rome.
other things I've been up to:
  • go to pompeii
  • see mount vesuvius
  • go to naples
  • go to capri
  • go up this wicked one person rickety chair lift in anacapri with the most amazing view I've ever seen...hmm lets write about that actually....

We went up this single person chair lift, in all it's rickety glory. We reached the top, looked over the railing - how could God's awesomeness not slap me in the face. These mountains pertruding from never ending seas, the silence, the stillness, the ability to get away from the distractions and let Him speak to you - have Him tell you he loves you and whisper it in your ears. He wants my heart - that's all his wants. Why is it so hard - how can it be so difficult for me to love Him back when he's so amazing. So graceful towards me, a total screwup.
So basically...this trip so far has held far more, and far stronger spiritual experiences that one would have thought. I've seen so many things that just open my eyes to how awesome God is - things you don't see in Canada.


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