Parla Inglese?

My thoughts and happenings while in Italy.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I so got molested on the Met-Ro today. A guy had his hand on my ass for like 3 minutes and the whole time I thought it was my friend! I feel so dirty!!, I know i've said this a million times - but it's so hard to write about this place. Yesterday we went to the Vatican, it was awesome. The Pope's got the best bachelor pad going. We got to go on this tour down into the tombs below the Vatican that most people don't even know about. Only 150 people get to go on this tour a day, I felt so blessed to be able to go on this tour. Basically it's this village underground - originally it was above ground but the Romans have this thing with just filling old cities with dirt and building right on top of them again - so anyway...this city was actually a burial ground. A literal houses of the dead. So we're getting a tour of this amazing excavation - and we come along a grave house of early converts of Christianity. This was when Christianity was illegal so they adorned there tomb with mosaics of a fishermen, a Sun and a shepherd instead of the usual Roman gods and myths. It was really cool to see that. Then...and this is the big part. I saw the burial place of the disciple Peter and the remnants of his bones not to mention the incredible stories our very animated tour guide had for us about the story of Peter where the Bible leaves off. Now, it's not like I needed a physical thing in front of me to believe - but it was sooo cool to see. Then in the Vatican there were amazing sculptures by Bernini...I've seen so much Bernini...
Ok this is going way to long for basically today we went back to the Vatican museum and saw a bunch of paintings but Raphael and the Sistine Chapel...we also went through a beautiful park and to th eBorghese Gallery to see more Bernini...i was face to face with Bernini's David...oh my..i still can't get over there
Ok you have no clue how much I can't tell you all, but I'm loving it here, I feel so at peace and inspired it's amazing. I miss you all.....and now I'm off to Capri for a weekend of fun in the sun!!!


Blogger Alissa said...

haha...everyone here is all about the dan brown....angels and demons and davinci code.
we actually thought at one point from a rumor going around that dan brown was going to be speaking in florence...turned out it was some opus dei guy speaking in italian about how much the book went against the truth.
its cool hearing art historians tell you that they can't even finish the davinci code because its so horribly written and historical untrue..and then theres the masses who are soaking it in for all its worth...

4:56 AM  

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